When did you adopt your pet from AARF?: January 2024
Pet’s AARF Name: Olive
Pet’s New Name (if you changed it): Jade
How is your adopted pet doing? Jade is the sweetest ball of energy. She loves to play and climb. Her ball handling skills are so good we had to make her a mini soccer net!
She adores my son and sleeps right beside him every night.
She is such a blessing
Author: A.A.R.F. Volunteer
Happy Tails For BeanSprout
When did you adopt your pet from AARF?: 1/6/24
Pet’s AARF Name: BeanSprout
Pet’s New Name (if you changed it): D. Beansprout
How is your adopted pet doing? He is ridiculously happy. While he still has hesitation around the dogs, he is a playful and loving kitten.
Happy Tails For Samson
When did you adopt your pet from AARF?: January 10,2024
Pet’s AARF Name: Samson
Pet’s New Name (if you changed it): Samson
How is your adopted pet doing? He has adapted very well loves the wife and I and I think he is happy with his permanent home! We also love him too!
Happy Tails For Tessa
When did you adopt your pet from AARF?: 1/21/24
Pet’s AARF Name: Tessa
Pet’s New Name (if you changed it): Nala
How is your adopted pet doing? Nala is fitting in great with our family! She has starting loving and playing with her brother kitty and is getting used to her two big sister dogs! She LOVES to make biscuits and even does so while she sleeping! She has the cutest purr that sounds a little raspy! She loves to cuddle and gets her spunky attitude when she is playing. She loves her cat tower and her chasing toys! We are so thankful for this sweet girl becoming a part of our family!
Happy Tails For Uncle Fester
When did you adopt your pet from AARF?: December 2023
Pet’s AARF Name: Uncle Fester
Pet’s New Name (if you changed it): Lloyd
How is your adopted pet doing? He is doing great! We have enjoyed every minute with him. His best friends are our pups that seem to keep him busy. He sleeps with them on the dog beds and tries to eat their food everyday. We are pretty sure he is a cat version of our dogs haha
Lloyd enjoys roaming our house and sun bathing in the sunroom. He is quite the character lol
Happy Tails For Sissy
When did you adopt your pet from AARF?: Dec 2, 2023
Pet’s AARF Name: Sissy
Pet’s New Name (if you changed it): Clatie June Whittington
How is your adopted pet doing? Clatie is working out great. She is fitting in with no problems with our existing dog, 3 cats, grandkids, family and friends.
Happy Tails For Jewel
When did you adopt your pet from AARF?: August 2023
Pet’s AARF Name: Jewel
Pet’s New Name (if you changed it): Peach
How is your adopted pet doing? She is doing so well. She is the sweetest, most playful dog. She loves her sister, Daisy, and since I work from home, she is cuddled up to me all day. She is so spoiled, and we love her so much.
Happy Tails For Finch
When did you adopt your pet from AARF?: December 2023
Pet’s AARF Name: Finch
Pet’s New Name (if you changed it): Finn
How is your adopted pet doing? Finn is such a great addition to our family! He loves his older cat brother Ollie and his dog sister, Maggie. He loves to cuddle but is also very playful. When he goes to the vet for his kitten visits, he’s a huge hit with the team! Finn has brought us a lot of happiness that we needed after losing our sweet cat, Figaro. Thank you for letting us adopt him!
Happy Tails For Diva
When did you adopt your pet from AARF?: November 29, 2023
Pet’s AARF Name: Diva
Pet’s New Name (if you changed it): Momo
How is your adopted pet doing? She’s great! She’s fitting in perfectly with our dog, Winnie, and our other newly added cat (my roommates) named Ivy. She loved to fetch and to be held; we got her a cat tower so she can get out all of her energy while climbing. She’s such a love, I really don’t know what I’d do without her!
Happy Tails For Aniston
When did you adopt your pet from AARF?: December 2023
Pet’s AARF Name: Aniston
Pet’s New Name (if you changed it): Juniper
How is your adopted pet doing? She warmed up within a day. On the drive back to Knoxville, she was unhappy in her carrier, but she calmed down and fell asleep on my shoulder when I took her out. She was a little hesitant of my dog at first, but I made sure she had plenty of places to hide if she felt the need to; they’re now best friends and always cuddling, though my dog sometimes gets tired of playing and has to go sleep someplace else. She is an extremely active kitten, and as such has to have a bunch of items in every room to make sure she doesn’t either scratch up my furniture or try to eat my legs. She’s very smart and catches on to things quickly, such as “please for the love of god stop bringing toys into my bed at 3am” and “the couch is a bad place to sharpen your claws, but there are two scratchers in the living room for you.” She also has no idea how to meow properly and either sounds like a smoker or just kinda makes a hissing noise any time she tried to talk, which is kinda cute because it’s so goofy. She likes to sleep on me or my dog. She likes to hide under furniture and jump out to slash ankles. She automatically used a litter box without fail. She likes to sit in my window and chatter at squirrels on my porch. She’s gained a lot of weight, too, which is good because she was a little too skinny. Overall, she’s doing very well and needed almost no adjustment time before she was running around and trying to bite my toes.