This young dog arrived at the shelter recently, and desperately needs medical attention. Meet Nero! A young, male Shih Tzu mix who cannot move his back legs well. He gets up just enough to use the potty away from his sleeping and eating area, then retreats back to his bed to rest. He “Smiles” for you on command, appears to be housetrained, and has a very loveable and sweet personality. Please sponsor NERO so that AARF can get him the care that he needs.
Please click ANY of the DONATE NOW links on our site to assist with sponsorship of this wonderful, smiling boy!
I want to donate $50 at this time to help with Nero’s needs. Can you tell me if ‘a vet’ believes he needs surgery? Also, can you tell me how much Nero weighs?
I want my donation to go directly to help Nero. I will await a response from you before I make my donation, because I noticed on the “donation page,” it states “general donation” or “for general purposes.” Either way, as I stated, I want to ensure my donation specifically is directed to help Nero.
I look forward to hearing from you!
Hi – My daughter wanted to make sure you knew that she sponsored $20 of her birthday money to help Nero’s legs and wanted to make sure her money went to the right place. Thanks for all you do 🙂
Stacia McDermott
Sending prayers for Nero. I want to sponsor him directly. Do I just do general donation?
Hi Trish, so sorry, we just saw this comment! We get a lot of spam comment. You’ll be happy to know that Nero was adopted, and is on the road to recovery!