When did you adopt your pet from AARF?: August 28, 2020
Pet’s AARF Name: Winston
Pet’s New Name (if you changed it): Gizmo
How is your adopted pet doing? Gizmo is adjusting very well, he had a upper respiratory infection when we picked him up. He was highly congested and his breath smelled like infection, so we took him to the vet right away. The vet gave him a antibiotics shot and within a couple days his breath got better and the congestion started clearing up. He’s healthy
now and doing great! Our other older cat, Sammy, and he became best buddies within two weeks of slowly introducing them. Sammy watches over Gizmo like a big brother. Gizmo and Sammy love play wrestling and chasing each other through the house. He loves his play time with his new mommy and daddy too. Gizmo is a happy little boy and seemed to know within a day or so that this was his home for good. We love Gizmo, he’s our little Gremlin and that’s why we changed his name within the first few days, he’s definitely a little Gremlin. We are so glad we adopted him. We also got him micro chipped just in case he ever dashes out the door even though he does know he is not supposed to get too close to the door when we come in or leave.