Happy Tails For Sparky

When did you adopt your pet from AARF?: September 21, 2022
Pet’s AARF Name: Sparky
Pet’s New Name (if you changed it): Gabe
How is your adopted pet doing? Ever since we brought Gabe (formerly Sparky) home, I couldn’t imagine my life or our home without him. He is the sweetest, most docile boy with the best personality. We have nicknamed him velcro boy because he is never not affectionately cuddling in someone’s lap. He is very vocal and playful and absolutely loves to learn and discover new things every day. When he is not exploring or making friends with anyone he meets, he is playing or cuddling with his new older brother Paul. After almost 2 weeks of separating Paul and Gabe, they have quickly become inseparable, and are now always eating together, sleeping together, and/or play wrestling all over the house. I’m so very glad to see Paul have a friend as he was the only pet in the house for his first year of life. All in all, Gabe makes the perfect addition to our family and we couldn’t have asked for a better adopting experience than this one! Thank you so much for introducing us to all of our family’s new best friend!!