When did you adopt your pet from AARF?: August 27, 2018
Pet’s AARF Name: Phantom
Pet’s New Name (if you changed it): Phantom
How is your adopted pet doing? He’s doing great. He was a bit slow to make friends but doing well now. Sudden noises still startle him. He absolutely adores my 9 year old granddaughter as does she him. We adopted another male kitten, Olliveander, and they get along great. Phantom loves playing with Olliveander and my 4 English angora rabbits, about 2 months old. They run and chase each other and tumble around on the floor. They play chase from the floor, to the couch to the back of the couch, back to the floor and all around the house. He meows when they are in their hutch. He would only use the rabbit’s litter box for the first week until I put his next to theirs. They love to chase each other in the cat tree too. We love both the adopted cats. Thank you.