When did you adopt your pet from AARF?: February 2021
Pet’s AARF Name: Kit Kat
Pet’s New Name (if you changed it): Molly
How is your adopted pet doing? I’m so happy with Molly (Kit Kat) and Lucy (Peyton).
They are both do loving and sweet. They play well together, I was concerned since they are not related. They wrestle and chase each other, yet they groom each other, lay and sleep next to each other and play.
Molly is a little dominant, but Lucy can handle her.
They have do much joy to my life as I lost my husband in Dec 2020 and had to have my 18 year old kitty put to sleep February 4, 2021.
I knew I loved them as soon as I saw them, thank you for allowing me to adopt them as my new furbabies.