When did you adopt your pet from AARF?: September 19, 2020
Pet’s AARF Name: Joey
Pet’s New Name (if you changed it): Joey-Matrix
How is your adopted pet doing? We absolutely love our kitten! He had a rough couple of days when he arrived. He seemed scared and confused. We did everything we could to provide him with some familiar things from his foster home (food, litter, toys, etc) Joey warmed up to us quickly. He runs, plays, and jumps like actors from “The Matrix” movies. So we decided to add “Matrix” to his name. He is now Joey-Matrix. His new favorite play space is my daughter’s doll house. He likes to jump to each level and swat the dolls out:)
He has brought us such joy!
Thank you to the staff at A.A.R.F for sending us our sweet little guy!