When did you adopt your pet from AARF?: Nov 2017
Pet’s AARF Name: Burton
Pet’s New Name (if you changed it): We kept Burton
How is your adopted pet doing? We LOVE this dog!!! It is hard to believe that we have only had him a few months; it feels like he has been apart of our family for years. He loves to snuggle and play with his Puggle sister, Daisy Lou. In his time with us, Burton has been around other dogs, people, children, and babies; I have yet to hear him growl or snarl in anger. His sister, Daisy, is a bit of a diva; and Burton is so laid back with her. He never appears annoyed nor frustrated. He is just the sweetest thing, and our family feels more complete since he has joined us! Thank you AARF for bringing this bundle of fur and joy into our lives!!