When did you adopt your pet from AARF?: December 2017
Pet’s AARF Name: Claudette
Pet’s New Name (if you changed it): Clementine
How is your adopted pet doing? Clementine is a ball of energy. On her first night in her new home, she was very scared and hid most of the evening. By the next day, she was posing for pictures and taking two-hour naps in my lap. Clementine really thrives at 3 A.M. when she pulls out her fuzzy ball toys and screams loudly so we’ll all notice her. She also likes to jump on the bed in the middle of the night in order to meow and touch noses with every single sleeping person in the house. Her favorite place to spend time is in her special sleeping bucket and up in the windows behind the blinds. Clementine tries to play with her aunt Macy (a 13-year old Chihuahua), but unfortunately Macy isn’t too interested. So Clementine is very good at entertaining herself with her toys and her favorite straw. She also likes to play with her humans. Clementine loves to eat boiled chicken for dinner, and she’s gained plenty of weight. She really fits right in and brings us so much entertainment and joy, particiularly when she stops being aloof and let’s us love and cuddle her. We love her very much. Even at 3 A.M.