Jack’s Story

Hello  I am writing with regard to my cat Jack, whom I adopted from you this past spring. I can’t tell you how much fun he is. He is the most loving, playful and funny cat I have ever had. I am sure some of that has to do with the fact that he thinks he is a dog to a certain degree. He meets me at the door when I come home. He follows me everywhere. He plays fetch with his favorite stuffed ball. He usually sleeps at my feet, guarding me… and leaves me presents on the pillow next to him. Be it a feather he has found, or an overlook cotton ball, or a barbie whose hair he has found fascinating. He always leaves me something. When I sit at my computer he sleeps right next to the computer… He’s like my third CHILD.. But it’s so sweet. He is de-clawed in the front and that has led to many funny moments, from his missing the ledge when leaping, or sliding across the floor when he is running… And every time he does something clumsy he tries to act like he meant to do that. Thus is name.. Captain Jack Sparrow.

Thanks for saving him. He is perfect for me and my family.
