Ready to Begin Construction

Our Kennels are here!  We have our building!  Now we need to make the dream a reality!  Here is what we need to make this happen:

  • The rafters in this building need to be repaired, as they are patched and not supported properly
  • The slope on one side of the building needs to be dug out, and proper drainage needs to be implemented to avoid water getting into the building, as it does currently.
  • There are cracks and hole throughout the building that need to be patched.  We have found Copperheads in this building previously.
  • A ceiling and good lighting will need to be installed.
  • The floor will need to be sealed.
  • There is a window in the back of the building that we would like to turn into a door.
  • There is currently no water or sewage servicing this building.  We will need that.
  • The building will need to be insulated.
  • The building will need to be ventilated properly, and a heating/cooling solution will need to be implemented for the very hot and cold months.

If you can assist, PLEASE contact Jennifer through email at [email protected] or by telephone at (931) 260-8018