Kisses from Tippy

Happy Tails For Tippy

When did you adopt your pet from AARF?: February 2020
Pet’s AARF Name: Tippy
Pet’s New Name (if you changed it): Tippy
How is your adopted pet doing? Tippy is the most loving cat I have ever seen! He takes his paw and puts it on my cheek then rubs his head on my face. It seem like he thanks me all the time for adopting him! He, I have found, loves to take a bath!! He kept jumping in the bath tub last night. I had water running, he jumped in and got under the running water so I added soap.  When I took him out and wrapped him in a towel he was curled up like a newborn baby, he was so happy and purring. Love this boy ❤️❤️❤️