Happy Tails For Aria

When did you adopt your pet from AARF?: December 28, 2019
Pet’s AARF Name: Aria
Pet’s New Name (if you changed it): Winnie
How is your adopted pet doing? Winnie is a very busy girl. She has her toys to attend to, watching the song birds in the back yard and, of course, her day job as Head of Squirrel and Chipmunk Patrol. When she needs a nap she likes to get under the antique chest of drawers in the living room. It is small and close and she can keep an eye on me while she is under there. I had never known her to take a toy with her but the other night I could see something black that I couldn’t identify. When I went to investigate I absolutely laughed out loud. She had gone into the master bath and either picked up or dragged the toilet plunger and taken it with her. I think she has been watching too many Soresto commercials! She is an absolute joy and delight.